- Previous relevant communications.
- Email To Puka, Janette, & Charmelle
- Response to Denise’s Apology Letter
- Lawsuit Process & Strategy
- David Taylor – Twin Falls Estate Planning PLLC
- Marjorie Puka
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About August 23, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About August 24, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About August 25, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About September 1, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About September 9, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About September 13, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About October 3, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About October 13, 2022
- Initial Questions & Thoughts About October 14, 2022
- Charmelle Puka
- Janette Golay
- Final Thoughts
Link to the written Timeline Of Events in the Powers v. Puka lawsuit.
Below is a Visual Timeline Of Events.
Previous relevant communications.
- Final Attempt To Resolve Without Lawsuit: End the Never-Ending Family Dispute – Mar 5, 2023
- Final Notice – Christ or Cops & Court? (You Decide) – Mar 25, 2023
- Cease & Desist Order For Unwanted Communications (Third Attempt) – Mar 27, 2023
- No Trespassing Order – Mar 27, 2023
- Family Reconciliation & Final Attempt To Communicate With Other Affected Silent Parties – Aug 15, 2023
- Powers v. Puka – Plaintiffs Statement Of Discoverable Information (PSDI) – Part 1 – Sep 28, 2023
- Janette Golay Finally Responds To Denise! Progress? – Oct 1, 2023
Email To Puka, Janette, & Charmelle
Pre-Filing Conference – 13 Day’s Remaining
With only 13 more days until I file suit, I wanted to take the opportunity to attempt reconciliation.
Effective immediately, I temporarily suspend the CEASE & DESIST order starting August 15, 2023 and ending on the end of the day on August 28, 2023.
Any personal communications you may have for me (that’s legal), is permissible – until the date we choose to decide to file suit.
If no communication is established between now and my filing suit (August 28, 2023), I hereby notice that the CEASE & DESIST order will be permanently re-established and enforced to the fullest extent of the law.
A few days ago, Denise sent Racheal and me an apology letter, and here is my public response.
Denise’s apology letter is attached to my reply.
The apology letter includes the mention of Puka, Janette, and Charmelle and I feel it’s appropriate to respond to the entire situation as a whole.
My entire response is aimed at communicating to you, through the word of God.
And it’s not till about halfway through the letter that I start to specifically address Puka, Janette, and Charmelle individually.
Response to Denise’s Apology Letter
To clarify.
All my words about Xmas day were about me defending and protecting Cinda, Amrita, and myself… while my deepest values were being attacked.
- I did not say bad food caused Hannah’s hospitalization.
- I did not say it was Racheal’s fault that Hannah is in the hospital.
- I did not make a comment about the food that Racheal feeds Hannah.
I believe every competent witness will testify to the facts that I assert.
And I’m absolutely furious that you would even consider that as a real possibility that I would even think like that… let alone say something like that.
Not once did I say, imply, intend, insinuate, suggest, hint at, or imply anything about anyone else besides Cinda, Amrita, and myself.
I did not and would not attack another person’s family.
- If you know me.. you’d know that what you assert is not me, nor does it come close to indicating any truth about my habitual character or behavior patterns.
- If I did intend on attacking your family, I would have done so as directly as I confronted you immediately after you attacked my family.
- If I did intend on saying something bad about Hannah, I would have said it again and again without shame.
- If I wanted to say something bad, I would have made it crystal clear that I was saying something bad.
- If I wanted to say something bad, I would simply not allow you to think I did anything otherwise.
- If I wanted to say something bad, I would not pretend like I didn’t say something bad.
- If I wanted to say something bad, I would loudly and proudly display it with clarity and brevity. Over and over and over. Until you were 100% crystal clear on my intended message.
- If I wanted to say something bad, I would make absolutely sure you did not misunderstand me.
- If I wanted to say something bad, I would not have let you have any doubt that I was intending on saying something bad.
Just because you perceive something a certain way, doesn’t instantly and automatically make it a reality, especially without proper due process.
You would absolutely deserve a formal written apology if that’s what I said and intended.
But that’s simply not the case, nor is there any reliable evidence or witness testimony to back up your allegations.
Your interpretation of the event has much less weight than my actual intention.
Just because you misinterpreted communication, doesn’t mean you get to continue attacking me or hold a grudge for something you created without any intended input from me.
You never even sought clarity, all you did was jump straight to conclusions without considering there may have been many other intended meanings.
In criminal law, there has to be both an intention to do harm plus an action that causes harm.
In criminal law, if there is any reasonable doubt about the alleged crime committed, the case is dropped. However, in civil lawsuits, the greater weight of evidence wins – meaning 51% beats 49%.
Criminal law requires 100% proof and if there’s any reasonable doubt, you are set free.
Since I did not have any intention of doing harm, and there’s only an allegation of me doing a potential harm action – you do not get to use language imprecisely to create imprecise feelings and put the cause of your emotional turmoil directly on my shoulders and in my heart.
You need to take responsibility for your emotional experience and interpretation of events. Not twisting words to create false realities to generate feelings to feed your negative emotional addictions that appear to be running rampant in our family – as of this writing.
The moment you take 100% responsibility for your thinking, talking, and actions — you automatically get 100% power to change, grow, and become the person you dream of being.
If you continue to blame other people for your situation, then you will forever be a victim with zero power to do anything except be a victim.
Before making a definitive judgment about my words, you could have asked for clarity and given me due process before you rendered a criminal judgment against me and my family.
But instead, you continue attacking me as I was working to communicate with you using proper language and the proper procedural due process for conflict resolution.
When you’re getting rebuked, you don’t get to choose how that person communicates with you.
So long as that person is angry but does not sin, you’re given the grace of God to rebuke with the intention of moving toward reconciliation.
- “You don’t need to take drugs to hallucinate; improper language can fill your world with problems and spooks of many kinds.”
Above quote by Robert A. Wilson – Published in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming book called Mind Lines page 18 part 1 – Language As Magic. - “Magic is hidden in the language we speak. The webs that you can tie and untie are at your command if only you pay attention to what you already have (language) and the structure of the incantations for growth.”
Above quote by Bandler and Grinder the creators of NLP – Published in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) book called Mind Lines page 19. - “Those who control language control people’s minds. Sloppy language invites sloppy thought.”
Above quote by George Orwell – Published in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming book called Mind Lines page 95 – Content Reframing – The Magic of Changing “Reality” - “Every behavior seeks to accomplish something useful in some context.”
Above quote published in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming book called Mind Lines page 119 – Pre-framing and post-framing – Reframing in “Time” to make a positive difference. - “Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.”
Above quote by Rudyard Kipling published in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming book called Mind Lines page 119 – Pre-framing and post-framing – Reframing in “Time” to make a positive difference.
I’ve spent years being attacked for my nutritional beliefs. You are not the first and you will not be the last.
I don’t hold anything against anyone who doesn’t value nutrition as I do, nor am I judging you.
I do not say anyone should consider doing anything that I do or am interested in.
At least not anymore, with family, because your incorrigible aggressive silence and talking behind my back finally made me realize that it’s not my fault that you don’t understand nutrition the way I do.
Originally, I used to think that I’m not communicating nutrition clearly enough because I had to keep repeating it. I thought I had a problem with communicating.
Then I thought, maybe I’m saying it in a boring uninteresting way that’s not hooking or keeping their attention.
Then I’d think, well maybe they lack the intellectual capability and capacity to understand.
Now it’s crystal clear that the desire for growth toward the truth about food is my burden to bear and not something I should make you suffer.
Desire is the starting point of all achievement and desire is the one thing that you can not force upon another.
You do have the capability and the capacity to both hear and listen to me, especially when I’m asserting my rights, my desires, and boundaries that you must respect – if we’re going to have a harmonious and friendly family.
When I find you behaving in direct opposition to my expressly stated desires, I have to start taking more proactive protection control measures to make absolutely certain that you will not violate what I hold to be the most precious to me and my family.
My belief for years is that each person is unique and requires unique individual needs, at all levels – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.
There is no one size fits all.
One size fits all is communism, not the American Republic.
But, to completely ignore the things I’m most passionate about with incorrigible aggressive silence, all while engaging in gossip behavior behind my back… is starting to grow insufferable.
Everything I said on Xmas got flipped around and your self-interested ego made you and others feel as though I was directly attacking you.
I assure you I was not attacking you, not even as you were attacking me first.
I did not say anything about Hannah.
But somehow my words were instantly interpreted as if I was directly attacking Racheal and Hannah.
I was not.
Not even close.
If you want to believe your false accusation… you are free to do so.
But know that you are believing a lie.
No part of my thinking or feelings was pointing at Racheal.
My whole talk was about protecting “MY” child.
No part of anything I said had anything to do with your child.
Everything I said on Xmas that got misinterpreted was me talking about my own selfish protective beliefs about how I protect my family.
In my own selfish personal belief, I do believe food is medicine.
If you believe in modern science and the Hippocratic oath medical doctors take… the same person who wrote the Hippocratic oath in the 5th century B.C., also says that food is medicine, as published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a high impact medical journal and champion of better research, clinical practice & healthcare policy since 1840.
“Although many patients are convinced of the importance of food in both causing and relieving their problems, many doctors’ knowledge of nutrition is rudimentary. Most feel much more comfortable with drugs than foods, and the “food as medicine” philosophy of Hippocrates has been largely neglected. That may be about to change. Concern about obesity is rocketing up political agendas, and a growing interest in the science of functional foods is opening up many therapeutic possibilities (p 180).”
I’ve been repeating this for years.
And I’m not sure why my direct family seems to not take me seriously, all while actively choosing ignorance and ignoring my simple dietary requirements for myself and my child.
Only my direct family, not Cinda’s, chose not to respect our food boundaries.
Xmas day. Y’all attacked me and my family and hurt me as deeply as you believe I hurt Racheal.
If you wanted me to feel what Racheal was feeling when Hannah was in the hospital, guess what, you succeeded!
You have no idea how deeply you hurt Cinda and me for your behavior around our food beliefs.
Cinda was openly crying her eyes out and I was over the top angry by your violation of Jesus’ Matthew 18:15-17 commandment. Which, Puka also needed to hear that message, again, unfortunately.
As I said my words, I was pointing both of my hands at Amrita.
As I said my words, I was thinking about Amrita with my whole heart, mind, and spirit.
My allegedly offensive words.
“I don’t want to see any more kids [my kid-o] in hospitals.”
As I said those words.
I was saying them out of deep hurt.
Because you just attacked a weak and sensitive area (again) by surprise.
My hurt emanated from my desire to protect my child, not to attack yours.
I just couldn’t believe we had to go through this food thing again.
Do you think you’re annoyed?
I’d rather you be annoyed than my child dead.
That’s how seriously I take food consumption.
And as you’re making me fear for the life of my child, how could you possibly have thought I was more concerned about your child?
I’ve been repeating FOOD IS MEDICINE for years.
And for some reason, my imperfections appear to be your justification for disregarding the sincerity of my food convictions.
You all should have known by then that I have my own individual diet beliefs.
My dietary beliefs are – no chemical isolates (natural or synthetic) and only fresh organically grown foods as close to nature as God intended.
That’s it!
No, I’m not 100% strict or perfect.
No, I try not to stress when accidents happen.
No, I don’t punish people who honestly in good faith slip.
But an all-out attack, that was planned and coordinated.
Is simply not acceptable!
Especially not in front of our entire family.
And completely not in front of Cinda, Amrita, or myself.
And why on Xmas?
You will never tell a lie in front of my family without me correcting you IMMEDIATELY with my understanding of the truth.
If you’re going to tell a lie and attack me in front of the entire family and in front of God, you can rest assured that I will always correct your behavior the moment it happens – and then we can quickly get back to being in love – instead of dragging this out for eight (8) months.
There is no love in delaying the rebuking, the repenting, the forgiveness, and the reconciliation.
It is a sin to delay reconciliation.
Reconciliation begins with God, then yourself, and then your neighbor.
If you have not reconciled yourself with God in His infinite and perfect love. Then you can not give to your-self God’s infinite and perfect love. And if you can not give yourself the experience of God’s infinite and perfect love, then how in the name of all that is holy are you able to reflect God’s love to your neighbors?
Who wants to extend any pain and suffering?
Not, me.
Anyways, due to my perception of the event, scripture commanded me to reprimand you in the presence of all so that everyone else will be warned.
“As for those [elders] who continue in sin, reprimand them in the presence of all, so that the rest will be warned.” 1 Timothy 5:19-20
An all-out planned attack on one of my most deeply held precious personal idealistic values… got the knee-jerk response it deserved the moment it happened.
I called it out and confronted the issue immediately, so the issue could be resolved immediately – as Jesus intended with his Matthew 18:15-17 procedure.
Racheal may have twisted the situation to feel like more of the victim because she was hurting.
But, just because you’re hurting, does not give you the green light to hurt others.
After 20 years of me trying to get any of my family members to read personal development and self-improvement books, I’ve learned through 20 years of punishment, to not offer wisdom to those who do not value wisdom. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve taken notice of the grief my personal development interests cause family nowadays, I refuse to voluntarily share information that I have awareness of, due to the persistent punishment of my sharing of information. Most of the punishment I receive involves incorrigible aggressive silence, aka, gossip behind my back like a coward who fears man more than a true believer who fears God more.
I fear God more!
That’s why I rebuked you in the presence of all.
The precise moment the offense occurred!
However, in my 20 years of reading these books, going to seminars, and meeting hundreds of people on a similar growth path as I am, I’m aware of this book called, Hurt People Hurt People: Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your Relationships. I read this book the first time nearly 15 years ago and I still have general knowledge and awareness of the core message the author attempts to present.
While I understand that “hurt people hurt people”, if Racheal needed support, she needs to ask for it instead of attacking those closest to her in order to get a more favorable response that could elevate, instead of destroy.
Attacking deeply held beliefs isn’t the best strategy for communicating your need for support.
At that moment. Racheal was not the victim.
I simply asked a question about bread and y’all were completely ready to attack and then proceeded to attack my family at the deepest core belief in how I believe I can best protect my child from death.
Your attack triggered thoughts of my child dying, and you’re the victim?
Not once, not twice… but at least three times in a row Racheal made an insensitive pre-meditated attack on my most precious values.
Her voice tone, body language, and piercing enraged EYES WIDE OPEN eye contact were shocking and directly pointed at me as she intended to cause me and my family harm while willfully disregarding my beliefs.
Racheal’s premeditated attack got all the way deep under my skin and penetrated my heart in one of the deepest ways I can imagine a family member openly attacking my child – no short of what Puka did to my family.
- I believe chemicals are poison.
- I hold the view that many chemicals can be harmful to our bodies, especially when consumed or exposed to them in large amounts. It’s based on the observations and information I’ve encountered that lead me to associate chemicals with potential dangers.
- Cinda believes chemicals are poison.
- Cinda, after her research and experiences, has come to the conclusion that chemicals possess harmful qualities. Her stance is strong, and she often cautions others about the potential risks associated with certain chemicals.
- Chemicals are not essential nutrients.
- While our bodies require a variety of essential nutrients for proper functioning, such as whole-food vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats — chemicals, especially synthetic ones, don’t fall into this category. Chemicals aren’t needed for our basic health and well-being in the way that essential nutrients created by God are.
- Chemicals are not even nutrients.
- Nutrients refer to substances that our bodies need to grow, repair, and function properly. Chemicals, particularly those that are man-made or not naturally found in food, don’t provide nourishment to our bodies in the same way that natural whole-food nutrients do.
- God did not make man-made chemicals found in some processed food.
- From a religious or spiritual perspective, many believe that natural substances, as created by a divine force, are pure and beneficial. In contrast, man-made or synthetic chemicals aren’t part of that divine creation, leading some to question their place and impact on our health and the environment.
- It’s important to note that the term “chemicals” is broad.
- Everything, including water (H2O), is made up of chemicals. The distinction is natural versus synthetic chemicals, and even then, not all synthetic chemicals are harmful, just as not all natural chemicals are safe. The dose, usage, and context often determine the safety and impact of a chemical. However, our belief is to be and stay as close to God (nature) made whole foods as much as reasonably achievable. Synthetic or natural chemicals added to food are, IMO, not necessary and serve no purpose to health and wellness. In fact, if you look at the medical journals closely, you’ll see how harmful some of the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food additives can be in quantities beyond reasonable moderation.
Again, this is my belief and understanding of the information that I’ve reviewed personally.
I will not force my belief on you.
But I will ferociously protect against anyone who chooses to willingly attack my family’s belief.. even tho you know or should have known that I have this belief… it’s very odd that you so persistently feel like it’s appropriate to ignore and attack my belief as if it were no big deal.
It is a big deal!
I do not understand why you felt as comfortable as you did openly attacking me and my family, in front of our entire family, and as casually as you did, on Christmas Eve.
And even though you know we believe synthetic and natural chemical foods are poison…
You conspired to trap and poison my family and you punish me for asking a simple little harmless question about potential food poison – which – would have taken less than five (5) seconds to deal with.
Your response was utter disrespect, lack of care, lack of consideration, and full willingness to poison me and my family…
This is the reality of how Cinda and I interpret what happened.
After I initiate the Matthew 18:15-17 procedure by confronting the situation directly and immediately, I express my deep hurt and fear about how I’m terrified that you’re attempting to poison my family and you elect to attempt to punish me for not wanting to be poisoned.
This ultimately led me to say the one sentence that Racheal latched onto, twisted, and exploded the molehill into a mountain – into thinking I was more concerned about attacking Hannah than I am about protecting my own child.
Absolutely incredible mind magic sorcery!
To be clear.
I care about you and your family, Racheal.
If Hannah had a peanut allergy, I would not try and trick you into feeding Hannah deadly peanuts.
Nor would I scath you for asking if there are peanuts in the food.
If Amrita was deathly allergic to peanuts and I said, I don’t want anyone going to the hospital…
It was because I’m terrified that your negligence, fraud, and willful misconduct, in your attempts to poison my child.
You fully knew that we believe chemicals are poison and you chose to act that way you did anyways.
As much as I care about your family, I have to realistically and honestly admit that I do care about my family just a wee bit more.
So if you thought I was talking about your child… that was not the case.
It’s very interesting to watch someone attack my family and then flip it around as tho I attacked your family.
Like… WHAT!?
I was too worried and selfish about my own family, at that moment, to even be thinking about your family.
You attack my family… I will protect. Always. FOREVER!
At no time will I ever allow anyone to openly attack my family without me, as the man, openly protecting and preventing any possible present or future harmful occurrences.
Even if you believe I’m imagining the synthetic man-made chemical danger or even if you think I’m making the chemophobia issue bigger than you perceive it… It doesn’t matter!
If I have a belief, you need to show the same respect for me that you expect me to show you for the beliefs you hold as deep and dearly as I do with my belief in food as medicine.
As you were trying to force peanuts on my family… I was furious and terrified.
As I was afraid… I had no room to think about anyone but my own child’s protection from immediate danger, open attack, and active threat.
But the world doesn’t revolve around you and your problems.
Just like your own self-interest and ego made you think I was attacking you.
So to was I equally as self-interested in protecting my own.
As I said the hospital line, my body language was pointing at and oriented to my child. My hands were pointing at Amrita. I was looking at my child. My whole body was pointing at my child… as I said the hospital line.
Not one molecule of my entire being had any malicious intentional thoughts or feelings of attacking you.
Not once did I think or intend on hurting you, Racheal.
My 100% thought was self-interested in protecting my own… while making sure I was absolutely clear on how deeply your behavior hurt me.
The good news is that I’m here to break through this aggressive incorrigible silence that’s seemingly demonically plaguing the family.
So, if you’re looking for the forgiving Jesus that turns the other cheek Matthew 5:38-42, guess what.
You’ve already received it!
Because I did not attack you, nor did I retaliate against you, nor did I harm you, nor did I have any intention of harming you at all throughout the entire situation – love and forgiveness already exists and existed.
- Scripture says LOVE IS THE LAW. Romans 13:8-10
- Sin goes against God’s law. 1 john 3:4
- Golden Rule – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Matthew 7:12
- Be aware of “all” of Satan’s devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11
- Love God first, love yourself 2nd, and love your neighbor 3rd. Matt 22:37-40
- Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Ephesians 6:16
Somehow Racheal is the victim after I hold up a shield to deflect Racheal’s fiery darts used to attack me and my family.
My child was the first and last thing on my mind as you twisted reality to become a victim of your own linguistic hallucinations.
Racheal should not have gotten up from the adult discussion table and left the conversation as suddenly as she did. She should have sat there like an adult and made a firm commitment to finding a solution while refusing to get up until we all felt like the issue at hand is resolved in its totality.
This is why Jesus gave us his conflict resolution procedure detailed in Matthew 18:15-17… so we don’t have to suffer this small problem eight (8) months later.
If you don’t deal with hurt or anger right away, it starts earning interest and paying dividends.
We could have dealt with everything then and there and been done.
Adults have hard conversations.
This isn’t TikTok where you can just swipe your family away when it gets boring or real.
Even though Racheal chose to forfeit her right to have a say in the conversation, that day, because she stood up and abandoned the family conversation, I have still chosen forgiveness by not pursuing legal action towards her behavior.
Let me be clear and you are now publicly warned.
That night you offended my family, I was THIS CLOSE to sending the sheriff to your house to cite you for your offenses.
But, under the grace of God, I do fully understand that this is not Racheal’s character, nor is it her repetitive habitual behavior.
This was the first time I’ve ever seen Racheal behave this way, which indicates to me that the reason she chose to hurt my family is because she herself was hurting.
Here’s the timeline of events and the laws that apply to the facts that I have personal competent first-hand knowledge of that I wrote on the same day of the offense.
Defendant Timeline For Profanity In Front Of Minors
1) On 24 December 2022
2) the defendant, Racheal Dixon
3) stated verbally and with a loud voice
4) “I’m a grown-ass woman.”
5) in the presence of Amrita, Sydney, and Leo
6) all of which are juveniles not yet eighteen (18) years of age
7) the plaintiff, Joseph Powers
8) replied to the defendant’s profanity with an immediate legal notice that it’s a misdemeanor to use profanity in front of minors in the State Of Idaho
9) the defendant, once again, stated verbally and with a loud voice again,
10) “I’m a grown-ass woman.”
11) in the presence of Amrita, Sydney, and Leo
12) all of which are juveniles not yet eighteen (18) years of age
Criminal Statutes
- 18-6409. Profanity in front of minors. Twice.
- Case Law
- US v. Castleman “deceiving [the victim] into drinking a poisoned beverage.”
- Bond v. US, 134 S. Ct. 2077 – Supreme Court 2014
- Gross negligence. A reckless or purposeful indifference to the reasonable safety of others.
- Reckless endangerment. The offense of recklessly engaging in conduct that creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to another person.
- 18-6710. Harassment.
- 18-901. Assault. An unlawful attempt, coupled with the apparent ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another.
- 18-903. Battery. Unlawful and intentionally causing bodily harm to an individual.
If anything like this happens again in the future, I will not be so patient, tolerant, loving, forgiving, or restraining from enforcing the full force and effects of the law – no sooner than immediately after the offense occurs.
The results of your actions could have had more consequences.
However, as an American, we are afforded certain rights.
The primary right that separates our American Republic from communist China & Russia, is our DUE PROCESS that’s codified in the 5th Amendment and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The citizens of communist China & Russia have no such power because they do not have DUE PROCESS written into their Constitutions.
- DUE PROCESS simply means you have a right to defend yourself before receiving a judgment.
- DUE PROCESS means you must follow certain procedures before being deprived of your life, liberty, or property.
- DUE PROCESS means you have the right to have the opportunity to be heard.
China and Russian citizens can have their life, liberty, and property taken away without the opportunity to defend themselves because they have no due process.
Taking this idea further, since we live under the grace of God’s new covenant made by Jesus willingly laying down his life as payment for our sins, I believe in many many many many chances to cure situations – before final judgments are rendered by appellate courts.
If we are in truth and honesty, living as brothers in Christ under the new covenant, then we are supposed to forgive each other seven times seventy-seven Luke 17:4.
Since no harm actually came to me or my family, that day, and all I said were words that had no harmful intent, there’s nothing technically to forgive.
If harm would have actually occurred to my family that’s measurable, then there would have been a need for repentance before forgiveness and reconciliation can occur.
“Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.” Luke 17:3
If there’s no repentance, for a legitimate measurable tangible trespass, there can be no forgiveness, nor reconciliation.
To give this dissertation a direct correlation to the reality of other family members allegedly living under the new covenant of Jesus Christ…
The harm Puka, Charmelle, and Janette caused to my family is measurable and therefore technically needs repentance to be forgiven.
Puka, Charmelle, and Janette technically need to admit their wrongs, repent, make corrective actions, and ask for forgiveness before any healing can begin.
Even after I’ve rebuked them, they continue asserting domineering incorrigible aggressive silence towards their unchallenged version of the truth and reality.
It’s not rocket science! Or maybe it is?
I, Joseph Ray Powers, of Twin Falls Idaho, for and in consideration of do hereby release and forever discharge Denise Powers and Racheal Dixon, located at Twin Falls Idaho, from any and all claims, damages, actions, causes of action, or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever, which I now have arising out of or in any way relating to any and all injuries and damages of any and every kind, to both person and property.
I expressly agree that this release and waiver are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Idaho.
I understand and agree that I am waiving any and all rights I now have to sue or take any other action against the parties released above for anything that occurred on this date and at all times prior to this date.
I have read the foregoing and fully understand its terms.
Dated this 14 day of August 2023.
Signature: Joseph Ray Powers
Printed Name: Joseph Ray Powers
Transition Into Talking To David Taylor, Marjorie Puka, Janette Golay, & Charmelle Puka
The remainder of this letter will directly speak to those who have committed measurable damages to myself who still may require corrective action.
Lawsuit Process & Strategy
We will begin the lawsuit with over 100 admission questions that you will either have to admit or deny within 30 days of receiving them according to I.R.C.P. Rule 36.
The witness list will include. Marjorie Puka, Janette Golay, Kelly Golay, Charmelle Puka, Racheal Dixon, Adam Dixon, Kevin Powers, Denise Powers, Lucinda Nevarez, and anyone else I may find you discussing my contract with as I uncover more information throughout the discovery process.
If I catch you lying, I will go to the judge and if you’re found to be actually lying to the court, I will swiftly move for a bench warrant to have you arrested for contempt of court.
It’s not contempt of court to lie to me. But it is contempt and perjury to lie to the court.
If you refuse to produce contracts, documents, text messages, emails, social media messages, etc., I will file a motion to COMPEL.
If you violate this court order, I’ll file a motion to SHOW CAUSE to have you explain to the judge why you violated a court order.
If at this point you refuse to produce the evidence, I’ll file a motion for CONTEMPT to have you explain to the judge why you should not be held in contempt of court.
If you still refuse to turn over evidence, I’ll then be forced to file an Affidavit with the clerk of the court swearing under oath and penalty of perjury stating you refused to produce evidence.
Then, the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest.
And you’ll sit in jail until you decide that you want to cooperate with discovery.
Furthermore, I have already warned you multiple times that if I catch you destroying or falsifying evidence, I will report this to the police and have you cited with a felony – as per Title 18 Chapter 26 of the Idaho State criminal code.
Throughout the entire trial, I will be preserving my record for reversible errors in appeals court.
I will be going for maximum accountability for every tort committed against myself and my family.
I can’t wait for your deposition where I can look you directly in the eye and demand the truth from you under oath.
Please try not to lie under oath in your deposition, because it would be very comically tragic for an 80-year-old lady to spend the last few years of her wonderfully full saintly life, behind bars.
Although, this could be exactly what you want and you’re on your way to getting there.
David Taylor – Twin Falls Estate Planning PLLC
I can not in good faith fail to expose David Taylor’s actions and failure to act to protect my family.
David’s actions and inactions caused immeasurable harm to myself and my entire family.
It is my intention to expose the full truth of what occurred by Mr. Taylor’s actions and inactions.
According to Idaho Statutes Title 18 Chapter 48 Libel, what I’m about to share can not be considered defamation or libel, because what I reveal below is 100% true.
I have no malicious intent in sharing the truth.
My intention is to hopefully save at least one person from David’s Financial Scams.
If you really want to help your parents avoid financial scams, you might want to avoid hiring David Taylor as your family’s Trust Protector.
Furthermore, the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States give all American’s freedom of speech.
David Taylor’s contact information.
710 Fillmore St Ste 300B, Twin Falls, ID 83301 – Visit Website | (208) 733-7200
- BAR Grievance – David Taylor – Twin Falls Estate Planning – draft 1
- Press Release – Newswire State
- BBB – Report
- Review – Google My Business
- Review – Facebook
- Review – Yelp
- Review – Justia Lawyers
- Review – Avvo
- Review – Idaho Estate Planning
- Review – Martindale
David Taylor served as the Trust Protector for my grandmother Marjorie Puka and is directly responsible in forming, breaching, and interfering with a contract offered to Joseph Powers.
As of this writing, David Taylor has not received a bar grievance, as per an email from Katherine Williams, who works as an Administrative Assistant to Bar Counsel of the Idaho State Bar.

Marjorie Puka
- Puka offered me a certain contract and then broke it without affording me DUE PROCESS, causing me and my family measurable economic harm. This will either need sincere Godly repentance or American corrective action via the courts. Her inability to discern her actions from reality (and how it affected others) is the agora of her lust for drama. Puka’s love language appears to be maximizing drama, tension, distrust, and conflict, to feed her obsessive psychotic delusions of being the perpetual victim, ad nauseam, for eternity.
I intend to use all court powers to the maximum effect.
If I catch you in a lie or you violate a court order, I intend on quickly getting a bench warrant, from the judge, commanding local law enforcement to arrest you for contempt of court.
You can ignore me all you want.
Good luck with your decision to ignore a court order.
To start this lawsuit, I will command the court to order all parties to produce all relevant unprivileged information that’s reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence.
I’m particularly interested in the activities occurring on and around the following dates.
- Exhibit 1 – August 23, 2022 – Puka’s text to Denise: “I am just going to let everything stay as is. You have done such a great job with this estate. No one could have done it but you. I don’t want continued fighting among our family.”
- Exhibit 2 – August 24, 2022 – Janette text to John Martin: “Marjorie says she’s leaving the 612 property to Joe to live in rent-free. Marjorie feels she would lose too much money by selling it.”
- Exhibit 3 – August 24, 2022 – John Martin invoice to Puka: “Issues finally resolved after meeting and discussing these things with Puka, Denise, Kevin, & Charmelle.”
- Exhibit 4 – August 24, 2022 – Puka’s check to John Martin memo: “Thanks, John!”
- Exhibit 5 – August 25, 2022 – Charmelle text to Denise: I told her [Janette] that Marjorie is going to just keep things how they are.”
- Exhibit 6 – September 1, 2022 – David Taylor’s letter explaining Marjorie’s intentions.
- Exhibit 7 – September 9, 2022 – Joseph sells his Jerome home in reliance on the contract that was supposed to be resolved.
- Exhibit 8 – September 13, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector email to Denise: “I told her [Marjorie] that anyone [Janette and Charmelle] who is asking for an inheritance while Marjorie is living is a predator and I’m going to protect Marjorie’s assets from said predator(s). Marjorie is looking over a response letter I drafted about a week ago.”
- Exhibit 9 – October 3, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector in Twin Falls email to Denise: “Once I told Marjorie I don’t trust Janette our relationship drastically changed.” “I’m so sorry this isn’t getting resolved. I’m open to anything that will help bring the family back together.
- Exhibit 10 – October 13, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector in Twin Falls Idaho removes Denise as Trustee and adds predator Janette and Charmelle as successor trustee.
- Exhibit 11 – October 14, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector in Twin Falls Idaho demands Joseph vacate property.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About August 23, 2022
- Exhibit 1 – August 23, 2022 – Puka’s text to Denise: “I am just going to let everything stay as is. You have done such a great job with this estate. No one could have done it but you. I don’t want continued fighting among our family.”
What in God’s name are you guys doing behind my back!!!
When was there ever a thought that anything needed to change?
Either Puka has something mentally wrong with her – in which she needs protection from undue influence.
Or she’s a complete psychopath – again, she would need protection against those seeking maximum conflict (even if it is herself that she needs protection from).
Who in their right mind treats their grandchild like that?
You ignore, ignore, ignore me and all of my reasonable legal inquiries to attempt to better understand your 180 degree inversion from the appearance of sincere love to all out aggressive full on attack with HATE pulsating from your darkened & headend heart. (Puka probably thinks I’m complimenting her).
After all that emotional effort you put into your fantastic story of faith, family, love, and blessings you used to coerce me into dropping everything I had going on in my life, to come cater to your desire to be close to family in your final years of life.
Which was soon reveal to be a pile of trash.
Your filthy mouth directly created the cesspool that you’ve spent your life tricking and dragging others into.
The audacity you have to treat a family who showed endless amounts of kindness to you is truly remarkable and worthy of being remembered for all future generations to come.
I guarantee you that you will be remembered forever by all of my descendants for the true monster you’ve turned out to be.
I want my future lineage to remember the intricate details of the Powers v. Puka case to learn how to identify and ultimately protect themselves against the family evils of an unhinged mentally ill deranged old bag — with an undiagnosed psychopathy — as the primary lesson and point of reflection with the intention of being extremely caution when accepting offers from an absolute lunatic parading about as an an angel of light and a blessing from on high.
You should feel lucky and appreciative that you have a outstanding family that’s willing to change their ENTIRE lives to accommodate you when you’re crying like a little teenage schoolgirl.
I honestly didn’t even believe some of the more inappropriate demands Puka consistently made on Denise and Kevin, throughout their lives.
At least not until I directly experienced your obscenities with my own two eyes.
It’s hard for me to imagine that someone with millions of dollars would take such raw inappropriate advantage over someone who can’t even get a home loan because they’re still relatively new business owners.
They say that every illness can be potentially cured, except mental retardation.
God gives us those individuals with mental deficiencies so we can learn to love unconditionally.
At this moment, I’m not quite sure if you simply need unconditional love for your rapidly declining mental capabilities.
Or if you’re truly just a bad person who willfully both harms people and kick them when their down while timing the knife twisting perfectly when the others are at their absolute lowest point in their life.
God would be so pleased with your behavior.
I can see it now!
Right as you’re walking through those pearly gates, God has a nice red carpet lined out for you and is eagerly waiting to give you your lifetime achievement award for best grandma ever!
Your divine saintly life should be a testament that’s studies for thousands of years from now, right up there next to Mother Teressa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Oscar Romero, Florence Nightingale, Jane Addams, Sister Helen Prejean, etc., etc.
- Margorie Puka – Leader of the post-modern 21st century crusades against her loving family, champion of drama and conflict. Advocate of & for only herself.
- Mahatma Gandhi – Leader of India’s non-violent independence movement against British rule, champion of peace and justice.
- Nelson Mandela – South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, philanthropist, and the country’s first black head of state.
- Martin Luther King Jr. – Civil rights leader who advocated for racial equality in the US.
- Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) – Tibetan spiritual leader known for his teachings on compassion and nonviolence.
- Desmond Tutu – South African Anglican bishop and social rights activist.
- Oscar Romero – Archbishop of San Salvador, spoke against poverty, social injustice, and torture.
- Florence Nightingale – Founder of modern nursing, known for her work during the Crimean War.
- Jane Addams – Social worker, activist, and co-founder of the Hull House.
- Sister Helen Prejean – Advocate against the death penalty and author of “Dead Man Walking.”
- Harriet Tubman – Abolitionist who led many enslaved people to freedom via the Underground Railroad.
- St. Francis of Assisi – Patron saint of animals and ecology.
- Swami Vivekananda – Hindu monk and key figure in introducing Indian philosophies to the West.
- Abdul Sattar Edhi – Pakistani philanthropist who founded the Edhi Foundation, providing a broad range of free services.
- Chiara Lubich – Founder of the Focolare Movement, promoting unity and universal brotherhood.
- Clara Barton – Nurse and founder of the American Red Cross.
- Malala Yousafzai – Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.
- Dorothy Day – Journalist and social activist, co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement.
- Thich Nhat Hanh – Vietnamese Buddhist monk known for his teachings on mindfulness and peace.
- Princess Diana – Known for her extensive charity work and advocacy for issues like landmines and HIV/AIDS.
- Jean Vanier – Founder of L’Arche, communities for people with developmental disabilities.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About August 24, 2022
- Exhibit 2 – August 24, 2022 – John Martin text to Janette: “Marjorie says she’s leaving the 612 property to Joe to live in rent-free. Marjorie feels she would lose too much money by selling it.”
- Exhibit 3 – August 24, 2022 – John Martin invoice to Puka: “Issues finally resolved after meeting and discussing these things with Puka, Denise, Kevin, & Charmelle.”
- Exhibit 4 – August 24, 2022 – Puka’s check to John Martin memo: “Thanks, John!”
Why on earth are you having secret meetings without my knowledge?
Why did no one say a single word to me?
Why did Puka, Janette, Charmelle, Kevin, Denise, John Martin, and David Taylor have to have so much discussion about what Puka wanted?
Why did there ever need to be any meeting about my private contract?
Why are you all talking behind my back about how you want to break my contract?
Why did everyone want me to occupy the 612 property for free?
Where did your entire legal team decide in a formal meeting to let me live there for free?
I was led to believe that I was giving up my life at my cheap house in Jerome to:
- Keep your house in tip-top shape for the benefit of the trust.
- Be closer to family, so we could spend time together in your old age.
- Do you a favor because you want to keep this special house in the family name for posterity.
- On and on and on.
Why on earth did you tell me that family is becoming more and more important to you as you’re getting older and closer to death? Was this the actual first lie you told to my family?
Or was your first lie that you care about your family?
- I did not ask you for this house.
- I did not want this house.
- If you didn’t know, I already had a house.
- I was happy at my other house.
- My life was full and complete with where I was in life before you came along with your filthy lying disgusting mouth.
- I did not need any handouts.
- I did not need anything from you.
- I did not even want anything from you beside your company.
- But you wanted something from me. And you pretty much demanded that I occupy your house. You begged me, you pleaded me, and you were somewhat offended when I said that I needed at least 36 hours before I make any big decision.
Before I hesitantly said yes to your request, I was up to my ears full, happy, and whole with my business success, the life I was building in Jerome, and the life I was creating for my family on my own merit.
After 36 hours of contemplating any potential downside or risks, I accepted your offer, because my fool naïve self thought I could trust my generous wealthy grandma to do the right thing.
I stopped working on and growing my business (for nearly one whole year) to accommodate your compelling wish and fantastic vision of family being closer and spending lots of time together before your time comes.
You were very persuasive with your split faced snake tongue.
I did not want my cost of living to increase by hundreds of percent points. Approximate housing cost increases of between 353.844% and 656.407%. (more or less)
And you think by simply giving me a $90,0000 discount so that I can just easily turnaround to sell your house that I just moved into — just to move again — is your generous resolve to your endless sea of your poison lies?
I only accepted the offer to occupy your — self proclaimed — super special piece of real estate because you told such a fantastically emotional story about faith, family, and love. Plus, the actual selling point was when you promised – to me and to all of your trust advisors (that’s clearly documented) – that my moving into your special house would cost equal to or less than I was currently paying for cost of living in my cheap little house in Jerome.
You duped me and I feel like a fool.
You tricked me into believing you care about this family.
But it’s very clear that all you care about is maximizing drama for your own selfish emotional addictions.
Being close to family doesn’t feel as good as tearing the family apart. Does it? According to your actions, this is self evident.
We could have had a wonderful time as a family but you, instead, chose to deceive me into accepting – what I believed to be a wonderful opportunity – to get closer to family, enjoy the time we had left with you, learn more about the history of our family, and just be with you.
But, no.
Your lust for drama is WAY more important than giving love to the family.
It took me many many many months to fully heal from your betrayal. And I’m honestly still healing from your severe transgressions. This isn’t the first time you caused a family member intense emotional distress and it will not be your last, according to the story of your life you so eagerly etched into the fabric of reality.
You betrayed your own family. Over and over and over, with no end. And without accountability – which is soon to come to an end. I intend to hold you and your dirty mouth accountable to the fullest extent of the law without mercy or grace. Because of how you treated me, you’ve trained me very well, in how you want me to treat you.
Your refusal to repent will just have to wait until you meet your maker.
You can not avoid God’s judgment.
You will ultimately be judged for your behavior and the hurt you caused others.
If you don’t repent, and until you finally croak, you will continue to be judged by your family for doing the most heinous thing that has ever been introduced to our family.
You took your drama needs to a completely new inappropriate level.
We did not need lawyers or courts to solve our problems.
But you must have thought this was the best way to go about getting your emotional fix for maximum drama and permanent separation from love or anything good in life.
It seriously appears as if your dying wish is to be full of drama, dishonor and, disgrace – not love.
If love was your focus, you had a million other decisions (and millions of extra dollars) before jumping directly to lawyers and legal threats to your family over pennies.
You used me and my family as a pawn in your stupid game. Against my free will, you dragged me into your self loathing nightmare and force those closest to you to roll around in your filth.
You played a stupid game and you won a stupid prize. Congratulations, Marge!
If you had any love in your heart, you would not have done any of these monstrous atrocities to our family.
To only want pain at the end, must be an interesting experience.
I do not see love in you.
Since God is love, the equation reads that you do not have God in you.
Your actions appear to be more in line with Satan’s fallen army.
It’s never too late to repent.
But, we’re all betting against you as being capable of love and repentance.
Your silence stands as your final testament in my heart.
Before you permanently leave this earth, I want you to know, there was (and still is) a better path.
Only you can make that decision to break the silence.
Or keep silent.
For eternity.
God gave us free will before he gave us love.
I hope and pray to God almighty you chose to not separate yourself from love in your final hours.
It was by the grace of God that Kevin had the financial responsibility and the capability to give you enough — EXTRA — money so that Andrea didn’t have to be separated from your love in her final moments of life.
I’m so thankful that the responsible adults in the family had the miraculous ability to “buy” Andrea time with her favorite grandma Puka, shortly before Andrea passed away.
At the same time, I’m indifferent to YOU getting to see Andrea in her final moments. I did not end this dispute with YOU so that YOU could see Andrea before her death. We ended the dispute to give ANDREA time with YOU, Puka.
I do not regret giving Andrea relief from Puka’s separation.
Again and again and again (for eternity), I would gladly given up my entire fortune to give my sister Andrea special time with her favorite grandma.
To be absolutely clear, Puka. We did not give you the gift of time with Andrea, we gave Andrea the gift of time with you.
I gave to Andrea.
Not Puka.
Kevin and I gave you hundreds of thousands of dollars as a final parting gift to Andrea, not you.
What Kevin and I did, is how I believe wealth is suppose to be utilized.
What you – Marjorie Puka – did with your wealth is simply the most inappropriate use of money that I’ve ever experience.
Money was the only thing that healed you enough from your own creations to reconcile just long enough to destroy those even more in their darkest hours.
Andrea did not deserve to be punish because of what your disgusting destructive mouth has created.
Amrita, Lucinda, and I do not deserve any part of your two faced working of iniquity.
Racheal, Adam, Sydney, Hannah, and Bently do not deserve you using your wealth to deprive, control, and harm people.
Denise and Kevin deserve way better than bowing down to the fleeting ever changing desires of a decrepit old widow.
Tom would be very please with how you squandered your wealth and destroyed your family in your final hours.
What did you really purchase with your wealth?
A broken family?
May God have mercy on your soul.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About August 25, 2022
- Exhibit 5 – August 25, 2022 – Charmelle text to Denise: I told her [Janette] that Marjorie is going to just keep things how they are.”
At this point, everyone is in agreement.
The evidence shows that David Taylor, John Martin, Janette Golay, Marjorie Puka, Charmelle Puka, and Denise Powers are in accord with not interfering with Joseph’s contract.
All parties agreed to not interfere with or cause a breach to Joseph’s contract.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About September 1, 2022
- Exhibit 6 – September 1, 2022 – David Taylor’s letter explaining Marjorie’s intentions.
Section of the letter David Taylor wrote that specifically applies to the house contract that Puka offered me.
- Letter from David Taylor – Twin Falls Estate Planning, PLLC (Trust Protector) to all three beneficiaries (Janette, Denise, and Charmelle); “I’d like to clarify the plan and reasoning for this [contract that Marjorie originated and offered to Joseph]. Marjorie came to me a few months ago and said that Marjorie would like to keep the home that Marjorie and Tom built in the family. We created a plan for Joseph to occupy the home until Marjorie passes away. Plaintiff is responsible for paying the taxes, insurance, and maintenance on the home while he occupies the home. Upon Marjorie’s death, the value of the home will be calculated (either as agreed or by a professional), transferred to Denise, and then subtracted from Denise’s share of the inheritance. When Marjorie approached me with this idea, I had no concerns about unfairness. I will oversee the affairs of the Trust to ensure everything is administered according to Marjorie’s wishes. I want to ensure that Marjorie and Tom’s wishes are carried out.”

WHY ON EARTH, did David Taylor have to get this far?
How many times did you all come to an agreement behind my back?
How many times does everyone need to flip-flop?
Why was punishing Joseph’s family seem like it was everyone’s favorite option?
I was already bless with a full life guys! Before you came along and disrupted me and my beautiful life!
I was happy and whole before your stupidity revealed who you truly are.
No matter who Marjorie Puka had to hurt, she confidently forced her destructive will into my reality – in total silence and completely behind my back.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About September 9, 2022
- Exhibit 7 – September 9, 2022 – Joseph sells his Jerome home in reliance on the contract that was supposed to be resolved. Over and over and over.
Okay, you insensitive obstinate rigid short-sighted headstrong rashes!
I just sold my fracking house with reliance on the contract Puka’s putrid mouth created.
I can’t go back now.
- Thanks for telling me you had a problem each and every day for over 200 days.
- This implies that someone consistently brought up issues or concerns daily for a prolonged period. The sarcastic use of “Thanks” suggests that this constant communication was unwanted or burdensome.
- Thanks for 200 days of silence.
- This contrasts with the first statement, indicating a period of no communication. It suggests feelings of neglect or abandonment, emphasizing the emotional impact of this prolonged silence.
- Thanks for only talking to me thru your lawyers demands.
- This indicates legal involvement, suggesting that the relationship has reached a point where direct communication has broken down, and only formal, legal communication persists.
- Thanks for hating yourself and my family.
- This is a weighty statement implying that the individual not only has self-loathing but has also directed negativity towards the speaker’s family. It suggests a broader scope of conflict beyond just the relationship between the speaker and the individual.
- Thanks for timing things perfectly to maximize drama.
- This implies manipulation or strategic planning by the individual to create or exacerbate conflicts, suggesting that actions were taken with the intent to cause distress or turmoil.
- Thanks for turning every chat into a challenge.
- Thanks for making solitude sound so appealing.
- Thanks for the lessons in silent treatments.
- Thanks for teaching me the art of decoding silences.
- Thanks for all the unsent replies.
- Thanks for leaving memories on “read.”
- Thanks for converting smiles into sighs.
- Thanks for the crash course in deciphering mixed signals.
- Thanks for mastering the art of ambiguous goodbyes.
- Thanks for giving echo chambers a whole new meaning.
- Thanks for the unscheduled tours of emotional roller coasters.
- Thanks for redefining the meaning of “unspoken words.”
- Thanks for the guided journey through the maze of passive aggression.
- Thanks for making absence louder than words.
- Thanks for showing me how cold silence can feel.
- Thanks for turning the bridge into a wall, brick by brick.
- Thanks for the roadmap to nowhere.
- Thanks for the library of unwritten responses.
- Thanks for the soundtrack of unsung apologies.
- Thanks for making patience a daily lesson.
- Thanks for the gallery of half-painted hopes.
- Thanks for showing me how shadows can talk.
- Thanks for gifting wrapped boxes of emptiness.
I appreciate you waiting until AFTER I sell my house before you kick me out of the special little property that you cried like a little teenage girl over while you’re begging me to move my family in.
Then non-stop lies about the entire situation.
Ya, sure you didn’t know I wasn’t paying rent.
The thousands of dollars that I gave you to occupy the house don’t seem to feel too free to me.
Not sure I understand how thousands of dollars I gave you equals me living for free.
Is this some kind of stuff senile old broads go through as they’re approaching death?
Initial Questions & Thoughts About September 13, 2022
- Exhibit 8 – September 13, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector email to Denise, “I told her [Marjorie] that anyone [Janette and Charmelle] who is asking for an inheritance while Marjorie is living is a predator and I’m going to protect Marjorie’s assets from said predator(s). Marjorie is looking over a response letter I drafted about a week ago.”
HAHAHAHAH, seriously?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ouch.. ??
You all ACTUALLY told a lawyer that Janette is a predator!
Holy cow guys!
And that’s recorded on file!!
If I was Janette, I’d be furious upon hearing that her entire family branded her as a predator, behind her back, to all of Puka’s trust advisors.
How do predators actually act though?
If I had to guess, I imagine a predator behaving just about exactly like Janette did, towards me.
Janette is excluded from trust discussions, and when Janette finds out that everyone and their dog thinks Janette is a predator, Janette goes FULL predator and attacks what she believes to be the weakest point – Joseph’s house contract.
Well Janette, if your lawyer hasn’t already briefed you…
Long gone are the days of winning by ambush.
And that is EXACTLY what I believe you think you cleverly pulled off successfully.
You ambushed everyone at the lowest point in their life, unapologetically and unashamed.
Psychopaths are a real phenomenon.
As per the medical journal Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, “Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.”
And if Janette literally does not have the genetic ability toward sympathy or empathy, this seems about like what a predatorial psychopath might do to a family at their lowest point.
I hope Janette actually has one or two functional mirror neurons and is actually genetically and physically capable of compassion, sympathy, and empathy – aka being a normal human with a normal heart.
Janette may not be 100% affected by psychopathy, however, it’s not a far reach of the imagination that she might be on the spectrum.
As published in the medical journal Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, “The mirror neuron system (MNS) is a brain network activated when we move our body parts and when we observe the actions of other agent. Since the mirror neuron’s discovery in research on monkeys, several studies have examined its network and properties in both animals and humans. This review discusses MNS studies of animals and human MNS studies related to high-order social cognitions such as emotion and empathy, as well as relations between MNS dysfunction and mental disorders. Finally, these evidences are understood from an evolutionary perspective.”
Initial Questions & Thoughts About October 3, 2022
- Exhibit 9 – October 3, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector in Twin Falls email to Denise, “Once I told Marjorie I don’t trust Janette our relationship drastically changed.” “I’m so sorry this isn’t getting resolved. I’m open to anything that will help bring the family back together.
How often do you think Marjorie flip-flops like a goldfish?
I’m not a medical doctor, so I’m not quite sure how old age affects your cognitive abilities.
One day Marjorie is branding her daughter as a predator to the entire family, all her trust advisories, AND HER DOG.
And the very next day, Marjorie gets all butt hurt when the entire world bends their life in accordance with her will.
Predator one day, best friend the next.
Are you sure Tom had bipolar or was his just a symptom of dealing with Marjorie’s wacked out unhinged unaccountable cheating lying stealing wreched being.
At the drop of a hat, Marjorie expects everyone to put everything in their life on hold and make radical changes to suit the needs of Marjorie.
Marjorie has been given the divine privilege of changing her mind, anytime, all the time, regardless of the harm she causes others.
Marjorie is without consequence and accountability. This is only possible if you are without a conscience.
Those natural laws of morality simply do no apply to her.
Due to Marjorie’s superiority, any harm she causes other is simply misinterpreted by the weakling as Marjorie’s divine blessing.
Any pain Marjorie causes another is actually a blessing.
Why lie to your family when you can just as easily kick them when they’re already down.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About October 13, 2022
- Exhibit 10 – October 13, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector in Twin Falls Idaho – removes Denise as Trustee and adds predator Janette and Charmelle as successor trustee.
Why exactly did David Taylor remove Denise? David Taylor explains here in his trustee removal letter to Denise.
Why did David Taylor add predators to Marjorie’s trust?
Did David Taylor financial gain from removing Denise and adding predator Janette and Charmelle?
What did Marjorie Puka offer David Taylor to do this wrongful act.
Why did you tell my Dad that the trustee needed to be solvent and if they were insolvent that they had to put up a one million dollar bond, while at the same time the trust document expressly says that no bond is needed.
Initial Questions & Thoughts About October 14, 2022
- Exhibit 11 – October 14, 2022 – David Taylor Trust Protector in Twin Falls Idaho demands my removal from the property.
Why did it take 206 days to get to this point?
How is it possible that you voluntarily elect to not communicate a single word to me in verbal or written form for 206 days?
Why was I the very last person to receive any information about your discontent.
The demand letter Marjorie, Janette, and Charmelle thought was clever to send me was the ultimate family betrayal.
I can’t even imagine how you could outdo yourself to get an even better emotional drama rush before you croak.
Why are you busy running your mouth, Puka, telling everyone anything that pops into that goldfish brain of yours?
Do you not remember when, why, and how you asked me to occupy the 612 property?
Everyone but Marjorie Puka – Contract originator – seems to remember exactly what happened.
But the evidence will show, that you personally wanted this.
No one else, but you, wanted Joseph to live in your special little house.
What made you decide to stop caring about your house and the family that you asked to occupy it until your death?
Is drama you love language, Puka?
Are these really the type of love letters you lust for to line your death bed with?
Why do you hate family harmony?
Why do you hate yourself so much that you don’t take a firm stance anywhere in life?
Why can’t you be your own person and STOP following the decisions of the next most juiciest drama filled moments.
I really do wonder how proud you feel about this trophy you’ve earned?
Is this really how you want to be remembered by posterity?
When your great-great-great-great-grandchildren look back and ask questions about where they came from, do you really want me opening the green book and pointing towards the story of your life’s achievement of screwing over your grand child?
And for what?
What did you gain from giving me a balloon, just to pop it, while I placed my full trust in you to do the right thing?
Is your only joy in life the act of taking away other people’s joy?
Are you this obliviously unaware of the two faces you show the world?
Do you not know that you can not take your money with you to heaven?
Do you not know that the only things you can take with you to heaven are the things you give aways?
Charmelle Puka
- Charmelle appears to behave as if she’s the hottest thing since Cardi B’s WAP. The first thing Charmelle says to me after not seeing her for well over a decade is that she’s 50 years old but she still looks 25 years old (gross). I actually think it’s hilariously cringe worthy watching old ladies at the bars picking up young college boys who just turned 21.
- Charmelle texted me about her private chats with Andrea’s boyfriend (eww) and she also forwarded me texts about her private discussions with Racheal’s husband (WTF!). Homewrecker? Why does Charmelle feel it’s appropriate to be privately messaging other people’s spouses in private and behind the backs of others? That would be about as awkward and inappropriate as if Lucinda and Kelly were secretly communicating behind my back. And Charmelle wants more information to continue perpetuating drama and family conflict? Why? Unresolved trauma from the past? Is it because she recently learned that Tom wasn’t her real father and that Puka had an affair with the neighbor? Addiction to negative structures of destruction? Only God knows!
What is there to say about you?
You participated in forming my house contract.
And then you fail to act when you knew what the right thing was.
You flip-flop as much as Puka, you have no loyalty, and no honesty.
You don’t even have the courage to face the music that you helped create.
And now you sit on your incorrigibly aggressive silent princess high horse throughout the entire series of events.
You got, and still are getting, the best financial and economic advantages from the trust over everyone.
And you pretend that Denise screwed over Puka?
What a blatant hypocrite.
Janette Golay
- Janette is so completely undeniably right and righteous, at all times, that she can’t even contemplate the harm her actions cause other family members. The end of her nose is the extent of the known universe. Nothing else existed outside of Janette’s skin. If the sun somehow didn’t rise tomorrow, Janette would be the most impacted. Janette is the ultimate victim poster child who throws toddler-like fits from her highchair. There is no truth but Janette’s truth. She even convinced God to rewrite the bible in her image. The Queen Janette Version (QJV) of the bible will be the last prophetic revelation of God almighty and Janette will forever be exalted above and beyond the thrones of Jesus Christ. Janette’s truth is the 2nd coming.
To give you a taste of your own medicine, Janette.
I believe we should delay filing this lawsuit until four (4) days after atheist Kelly and/or Hayden commits suicide.
To make this metaphor accurate and fair when comparing it to how you all treated Denise.
If Hayden and Kelly were to commit suicide within that same calendar year, the only appropriate time to file a lawsuit is directly after their passing, but before their burial.
The idea is to not delay any urgent court proceedings.
All legal issues come before family, every time.
Legal disputes are more important than family, according to Janette’s followers.
Solving legal issues is way more important than providing comfort to a family member who just lost their child.
The death of a family member, from Janette’s perspective, is the only time to really show the other person how wrong they are.
When a family member dies, you should offer no support or kindness of any kind.
No grace, no mercy, no love, no patience, no forgiveness, no NOTHING!
So, when do you think would be the absolute best time to further kick someone?
When they’re already down!
The idea is that I want to wait to ambush Janette with super important legal stuff when she is at her absolute lowest point in her entire life.
When is there a better time to come after you? When life is going good and you have all the trust fund money? Woohoo! YOU GO GIRL! Try not to let Kelly blow the money, again, on another get rich quick scheme. But wait, isn’t this Kelly’s most recent get rich quick scheme? The evidence will show and only God can ultimately judge the full extent of your inappropriate behaviors.
To continue the metaphor.
We don’t stop. We don’t slow down. We force Janette through court proceedings when all Janette wants to do is be left alone to grieve the loss of her child and husband who recently committed suicide.
Why should Janette deserve any love, compassion, kindness, or care – in her lowest and darkest moments?
It would be legal and fair to treat Janette like this, according to the Golden Rule, we’re allowed to treat you as you have treated us.
The proper time to do contracts and legal stuff is directly after a family member’s death and before they are buried.
There’s no time like the present!
What if there is no tomorrow?
Death stops for no one!
The only time to attack you, legally, is when you’re at your lowest point and I can’t think of a more appropriate time to file the lawsuit, you rightfully deserve, until four (4) days after the death of your loved ones, but also before the burial.
It is in this magic window of time, after death & before burial, that that absolute highest offense and deepest wound can be inflicted.
If you can imagine a more perfect sin, I’m VERY eager to learn and acquiesce to your humble and perfect leadership.
Can you imagine how we should talk about you behind your back, and to your face when you come to grips with how wrong you are with how you treated Denise?
To reflect back at you what you said to Denise as she was apologizing, all we should do is point all of our fingers back at you and say how much everything is always only Janette’s fault.
There’s no room for grace, only room to blame and harming families at their lowest points.
Everything is always and only Janette’s fault. Blah blah blah, get over yourself!
Is that really how you treated Denise?
You completely acted like a bag of smashed ass holes, and you’re the victim?
Can you see that!?
Even a wee-bit?
Who care’s though? Because of all the nasty things Denise has done to you that you’ve not once articulated nor show a single shred of evidence for.
I have seen Kelly Golay’s death threat message he sent to Denise in the middle of the night. Wow!
Both Puka and Denise showed me separately.
But have you shown me what Denise said to you? No!
What would cause someone to threaten another family member with death?
Is it because they told the whole family that you tampered with your father, Tom’s, medicine on his death bed? Or was it because Andrea reported your crass behavior, to your supervisor (at St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center), the moment she went on hospice?
You and Puka seem to be competing for the trophy of who can cause the most family pain and destruction at their lowest point.
Why would you [Janette] feel it was so appropriate to bad mouth a family member entering hospice, while they are still in the hospital?
What is your obsession with hurting people when they’re already at their lowest point in life?
What do you think Tom thinks about how you violated his wishes and the doctors orders?
How could you in all honesty and good faith cut off your father’s morphine drip line while he’s waking up SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER in absolute agony – while he’s moments away from death.
Does everyone within your proximity need that extra little knife twist from you, Janette, while they’re on their death bed?
How is this becoming a noticeable pattern with you?
You’re like the angel of death who shows up at the darkest hour just so you can relish in a shared misery.
Misery enjoys company and instead of elevating people, you tear them down to your level so you can get the nice fat intoxicating HIT to satisfy your unquenchable selfish destructive emotional addictions.
The lowness of the accumulation of how you treat family on their death bed is probably worthy of more punishments that can be had in this lifetime.
Final Thoughts
- Altogether, Puka, Charmelle, and Janette performed domineering incorrigible aggressive silence to me and my family when they chose not to respond to any of my reasonable legal inquiries about their harmful actions – both before, during, and after they breached and interfered with my contract for their own personal gain. While simultaneously depriving me of due process of God’s Matthew 18:15-17 lawful procedures, as well as due process found in the American Constitution.
At this point, the idea of healing the family is becoming my new favorite joke.
Why I find the idea of “healing the family” to be so tragically comical comes from Orwell’s idea of Doublespeak and your – not so clever – double reverse gas lighting that’s self evident to anyone with half a brain.
Anytime I hear a family member say, “Once XYZ happens the family healing can begin”, I order more pain cream on Amazon so I can try to soothe the rash on my knee from all the abuse it receives from how hard I involuntarily slap it from the deep roaring belly laughter of the completely idiotic idea that any single one of you [Marjorie, Janette, & Charmelle] will actually come ALL THE WAY FORWARD in true honest transparency — voluntarily. My knee does not deserve this type of beating. I may need to see a knee specialist.
Anyways, healing the family does not mean repenting and becoming whole under the new covenant of Jesus Christ.
Heal the family means continue destroying the family via the over-inflated egos of Janette, Charmelle, and Puka, et al.
At least to my current knowledge of the facts and evidence I’m able to deduce, without court powers, I swear under penalty of perjury what I’ve said to be correct to the best of my knowledge.
Well, lets not swear and violate God’s commandments, again. Matthew 5:29-37
34 “But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne:”
37 “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”
To end, I’ll leave you – Puka – with this suggestion.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
I choose to forgive and release Denise and Racheal of any wrong or debt under the new covenant of Jesus Christ – because there’s no measurable harm that I can detect or perceive with scientific human or divine spiritual instruments.
Every American deserves due process and their day in court.