Which trustee do you actually want controlling your assets in your feeble old age?

Response to:

Marge Janette and Charmelle about Marge wanting control of her money.

August 2021

Marge created the Marge Puka Irrevocable Trust to protect her $2.8 million for her 3 daughters from the government.

August  2021

Denise told Marge that we would leave $665,478.16 in the Puka Private Annuity Trust for Marge’s personal spending and not put it in the Marge Puka Irrevocable Trust.

This way Marge could have control of a large sum of money while leaving a large sum of money protected from the government for her 3 daughters.

Who would you prefer as trustee?

Janette and Charmelles as trustees – sell both trust homes.

Janette & Charmelle as trustee – Financial Loss – total loss for both houses- $291,453

Janette and Charmelle are directly responsible for losing approximately 10% of the value of the trust in their first two actions as trustee.

Good job comrade!

Keep draining that trust. Enjoy the good life while you can.

Denise as trustee – Financial Loss $0

Denise earned a 5 out of 5-star rating by looking at the numbers.

Janette & Charmelle LOST $150,000 On The 612 Property

612 house worth $400,000 of Zillow

612 house sold for $250,000

Marge Puka Irrevocable trust lost $150,000

Janette & Charmelle LOST $141,453 On The 2908 Property

2908 house

trust bought it for $579,753

upgrades – 60,000

total – $ 639,753

2908 house sold – $543,300

approx – realtor fees and closing fees $45,000


Total loss – $141,453