by Joseph Ray Powers | Dec 16, 2023 | Criminal Law
Reporting a death threat to the police should be done as soon as possible, but it’s generally never “too late” to report such a serious matter. See also: Is Kelley Golay The ‘Primary’ Undue Influencer Over Marjorie, Janette, And Charmelle — NEED — To...
by Joseph Ray Powers | Dec 16, 2023 | Legal Maxims
“Allegans contra ria non est audiendus” is a Latin legal maxim that translates to “A person making contradictory allegations is not to be heard.” This principle is used in legal contexts to emphasize the importance of consistency in one’s...
by Joseph Ray Powers | Dec 16, 2023 | Family Disputes
Behind the scene, whispers from multiple respected advisors allege Kelly Golay (Janette’s husband) is the primary force — leading from the shadows — influencing the intentional actions of Marjorie, Janette, and Charmelle. After Marjorie and Denise...
by Joseph Ray Powers | Dec 16, 2023 | Legal Maxims
Latin phrase: A piratis et latronibus capta dominium non mutant. The legal maxim “Things captured by pirates or robbers do not change their ownership” reflects a fundamental principle in property law. It means that when property is stolen or taken...
by Joseph Ray Powers | Dec 16, 2023 | Evidence Rules
Introducing character evidence into the record in Idaho, as in other jurisdictions, requires careful navigation of the rules of evidence. While federal rules often serve as a guideline, each state, including Idaho, may have specific rules and case law that apply....