My life is 100% different — for the better — since starting Dr. Grave’s law course called How To Win In Court Without A Lawyer.

Learn more about this law course here.

Even though I’ve now earned well over six figures in settlements and in court wins, the true value I’ve received goes beyond recovering money losses.

I’ve been in business full-time since 2016 (over eight years now) and with every unique curve ball the squeaky client might throw, I keep finding myself updating my legal terms and the way I enter into contracts.

One client I quickly and successfully defended against involved them falsely accusing me of a federal crime and reporting me to the FBI.

Local police came to my house and investigated.

I gleefully complied and immediately showed the cop the evidence proving I was in the right.

This crazy experience actually happened before I took the law course.

Had this particular situation happened after I took the law course, my response might have been different.

My current results win record.

  • 100% win rate.
  • Over six figures in money earned.
  • Defended against a federal criminal accusation — from a wacko client.
  • Assisted a family member by stopping a court-ordering wage garnishment and helped recover all the money that was garnished using our own court orders.
  • Assisted family in a bogus multi million dollar trust claim from other jealous family members.
  • One live-in-person small claims court trial as plaintiff.
  • Dozens of client disputes over contracts in business — all were REDICULOUS.
  • Tony Robbins’ company settled before escalation.
  • Currently attempting to settle a $300,000 dispute with a client who breached the contract first, while they actively attempted to pass the blame onto me.

Beyond winning in court, the real gold from this course is in doing things upfront to prevent any possibility of things even having to go to court or lawyers.

However, I’ve recently experienced that even if you have clear written agreements, the other person can still do wacky things by being the first to breach a contract and also simultaneously blame you for breaching it first. On top of that, they could also claim fraud even though you’re just trying to get paid for the actually work you already completed at their request.

This is another long story I’m currently in the middle of that I will report on once I reach a reasonable settlement with the other party’s lawyer.

What this law course gave me beyond monetary victories?

On the one hand, this law course gives you peace of mind.

On the other, dealing with disputes can take up more time than I care to.

However, even though I enjoy legal puzzles I’m learning that some of the bigger disputes occur in seasons throughout the year.

I find myself at a certain crossroads where I have to make a decision between doing creative things in business OR spending the next year in litigation.

These crossroads end up forcing me to take a smaller settlement just to free myself from seemingly endless settlement discussions and legal procedures — all of which I have to tend to by myself without a lawyer.

Ultimately, what I’m getting from this law course is the deep inner peace of knowing with absolute certainty that I can protect myself from wild accusations that randomly pop up.

Every single time I’ve had a lawyer send me a letter, I first get a JOLT of energy, and then after the adrenaline rush subsides, I typically find that lawyers don’t know what they’re talking about.

While I don’t have any way to verify this, but, I have a hunch that lawyers do these things to get more billable hours from clients.

There’s no way the lawyer doesn’t know that the accusations in their letters are stupid.

Literally, every single time a lawyer makes a “claim” I am instantly able to quickly hit them back with actual evidence that destroys their claims.

— To their silence and inaction.

At this point, I find lawyers exhausting because they play this game of making radical settlement offers that are just meant to take up much more of everyone’s time than is necessary.

Final Thoughts

While this article has the undertone of extreme positive conviction, the truth is, be careful what you wish for — because you will get it.

Most, if not all, legal situations I find myself in could have completely been avoided — if the other party would have stood in honor with our formal agreements.

I have yet to do anything that warrants an actual reasonable response from the legal system and I’m recently deeply wondering how on earth do these “bad” people even think that what they’re doing is good or right.

Most of the legal situations I get into are the ones that I initiate, due to the other party doing something bad that causes real measurable damages.

On the rare occasion that I’m placed on the defense, I’m super thankful that this law course equipped me with the tools to gracefully defend myself without spending outrageous amounts of money on a lawyer or time creating extensive defenses.

Going on the offense, however, does require a good deal more effort than it takes to defend against a goofball claim from a wacko with lawyer-perceived money and/or perceived influence.

Dealing with legal situations is anything but boring.

Even though it’s true that legal puzzles can be enjoyable, I do not actively seek legal situations.

The truth is that I never have to wait too long before the next opportunity shows up — so that I can play with legal tools.

I’d much rather prefer not to use legal knowledge, but, with the true nature of our fallen world, knowing how to use these spiritual weapons of war is 100% essential for any true honest mature masculine man in modern society.

I personally believe that knowledge of how to navigate the legal system is as vital to the durable sustainable life of the male protector and provider as a man should also know how to use a firearm or physical combat survival skills.

In his law course, Dr. Graves explains how using the American legal system is like having a loaded 357 Magnum in your back pocket.

We are all created equally!

On my 3.5-year journey, I’ve learned that every single US Citizen under the American Republic is equal under that law.

Meaning the highest ranking official in society is equal under the law as the below than lowest average citizen.

If you have measurable damages committed against you… you can sue ANYONE — celebrities, politicians, and even the president!


Only if you actually have a valid claim against them.

And most importantly, most, if not all claims, require you to prove real damages with evidence.

While it’s true that anyone and everyone in the US can make a claim against anyone, you have to be careful, because you’ll eventually have to prove it with verifiable evidence.

What to remember when legal action STRIKES?

The first truth about any legal claim is to relax.

You have SO much time.

So so so so much time.

More time than you can imagine.

Lawsuits typically move slowly.

Lawyer deadlines in offers don’t mean anything.

There are really only a very few actual deadlines you need to comply with, throughout the suit.


Don’t worry.

This typically isn’t until MUCH later.


Once legal actions are filed with the court.

Then the countdown timers begin, which you need to be aware of.


The vast majority of legal situations will NOT actually get filed with the court.

In my experience and from what the data shows, most lawsuits settle.


You have much more time than you think.

Know When to Seek Professional Help


In the moments of getting a random legal notice — you do get a wee-little jolt of ENERGY — at least I always do.

Before you get too excited, relax.

Get yourself into a good feeling state.

Do something to make your body feel good.

Make your emotions feel good.

Share the legal notice with someone who will make you feel better.

Go through this letter with others who have gone through the Dr. Graves course.

Join legal mastermind groups and discuss your questions with peers.

Ask the paid version of ChatGPT all of your hard legal questions.

Upload all of your documents, messages, and notes into ChatGPT.

Once all your info is uploaded, you can have ChatGPT essentially help you write all of your correspondences, create documents, and tell you what to do next.


Just because ChatGPT is getting pretty good, you still need to have a firm grasp on the legal principles while also being able to fact check the info that AI generates.

It can get overwhelming, but, just keep chipping away at it.

If you find yourself too overwhelmed and way in over your head, you might want to consider hiring professional legal services.